Michelle Detrick was born and attended Catholic elementary school along the Lake Michigan, Wisconsin shoreline. She then moved to Florida for the rest of her school years, earning her Bachelor’s in Biology at the University of South Florida. After college, she joined the Navy as a Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) and Weapons System Officer (WSO) in the F-14 and F-18 aircraft, which brought her to NAS Oceana. After 11 active years, she worked on a dual masters at Old Dominion in Accounting and Business Administration. She is a Controller (CPA) in downtown Norfolk for 2 operational companies: one in marine lubricants, another in intermodal trucking (both across multiple states along the Eastern seaboard). She is also SHRM-CP HR certified.
Michelle, her husband, and daughter live out in South Pungo (Creeds). She has been a parishioner for 18 years. In the past she has been a Money Counter, teacher of Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Substitute Catechist, and a CRHP attendee. Now Michelle is the Vice Chair and Secretary for the Finance Council, Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister, and Lector. Michelle has been on the Finance Council for seven years. She is also Treasurer for a non-profit, Paws In Need VA, which helps pay for unexpected veterinary emergencies. In her spare time, she raises bees, takes care of her 3 pups, chauffeurs her daughter to extracurricular activities, and travels.